Sunday, 9 December 2007



Yet another refugee from the sinking ship that was Yahoo 360, I am thankful for the advice of friends who sent me in the direction of Blogger.Com as I embark upon my adventures in the writerly.

Things you might like to know about me:
1. I used to be a primary school teacher.
2. I enjoy watching films, reading books, and going to art galleries and museums.
3. I am Australian, born in Melbourne, lived also in Hobart and in Darwin.
4. I live in England, and have done since 2000.
5. I was born in May 1972, which at this point makes me 35 years and 7 months old.
6. I am single.
7. I am a bloke.
8. I am Christian: one of the intelligent, friendly ones.
9. At the moment I work in a prison, but we'll see how long that lasts.
10. I want to be a writer full time, and to teach from my books as a speaker. (Again, as one of the intelligent, friendly ones.)

Oh, and my name is Damien, but you already knew that.

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