Monday, 24 March 2008

Assignment One point One for my Writing Course

Hello all.

I haven't been in for a while, but I have been busy. I have been studing writing with a crowd in Manchester and so have been working on my assignments. Here is the first one for your reading pleasure: the important people in Manchester liked it.

Tell us in about 300 words why you want to write...
I want to write because I enjoy writing, and always have done. As a child I often made my own little books and newspapers, and I enjoyed English writing tasks at school and university. Now, as an adult, I still enjoy writing letters and stories for friends; but I would like to take this further and make writing part of my career, if not a new career entirely. There are many things I want to write about, both in fiction and non-fiction genres, or perhaps a mix of both. In the past I have been a school teacher, and liked to teach through stories; I would like to write in this way too, perhaps sharing new ideas with people through anecdotes, or even “parables”. I would also like to write stories for others to read simply for pleasure.

My hope from this course is that I will pick up tips on how to write “properly”, to improve my written English, and also to learn the best ways of seeking publication. I want to write better than I do now, and I want to be able to be published so that I can share my ideas with others.

In the future I would like to be a platform teacher/speaker in the church, teaching from my books about the things I have learned in life. Writing is then a means of sharing information with those who would come to hear me speak, or even for those who’d rather just read than listen, (as I usually would). I don’t want to be a vicar or an “evangelist”, but to be a teacher in the broadest sense, and I see writing as the central part of that.

I have set a target to be teaching from my first published book by the time I am forty. I shall turn thirty-six in May.

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